6 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 2017 A Team- and Project-Based Approach to Advancing Scholarly Communication Initiatives across the Library Ashley Shea, Food and Agriculture Librarian, Cornell University Library Gail Steinhart, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Cornell University Library Jim DelRosso, Digital Projects Coordinator, Cornell University Library Scholarly communication can be defined as “the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use.”1 Put this way, scholarly communication has the potential to touch the majority of library operations and services, and not surprisingly, libraries vary greatly in how they organize support for scholarly communication.2 A holistic approach to engaging staff from across the library in this work has the potential to cut across functional silos, solicit a more diverse range of perspectives, and encourage staff who might not be designated scholarly communication specialists to engage with those issues. Cornell University Library’s (CUL) approach to scholarly communication is highly decentralized, with scholarly communication embedded in multiple job descriptions (usually those of subject and functional liaisons), and a scholarly communication librarian based in Digital Scholarship & Preservation Services. The director of collection development also manages a fund that supports the Cornell Open Access Publication fund,3 and selected strategic initiatives related to scholarly communication. This highly distributed arrangement can make it challenging to advance specific scholarly communication goals, and library liaisons in A holistic approach to engaging staff from across the library...has the potential to cut across functional silos, solicit a more diverse range of perspec- tives, and encourage staff...
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