10 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 — 2017 between those who worked on ORCID@Cornell and those who worked on author rights outreach. We received seven responses, with three of four of the ORCID@ Cornell participants responding and four of five author rights outreach participants. Of those seven, two respondents identified themselves as library staff, and five as librarians (with one of the latter also identifying as a functional liaison). While none of the respondents identified themselves as either a subject liaison or an archivist, one of us is a subject liaison, and two of us are functional liaisons. All three of us are librarians. The varied expertise of participants in both the SCWG and the project teams themselves was reflected positively in the survey responses. Six of the seven respondents reported forging collaborative partnerships across units, with three indicating that this objective had been fully achieved, and three reporting that it had been somewhat achieved. Respondents’ testimony regarding other outcomes of their participation was also positive. All seven reported that the process resulted in a tangible product that they have since used in their jobs, with five of those seven indicating that this objective had been fully met, and two indicating that it had been somewhat met. Given the opportunity to expand on these responses, participants indicated that their participation in SCWG projects allowed them to learn more, not only about the relevant scholarly communication content—ORCID and author rights—but also about the process of creating and utilizing outreach tools such as LibGuides and other promotional materials. One respondent even noted that working on the project allowed them to more fully understand how best to work with CUL’s director of copyright on issues surrounding author rights. The survey results imply that SCWG is well positioned for future task-oriented projects. Six of the seven respondents indicated that