16 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 — 2017 7. Why or why not? (optional) [free text] 8. Do you have suggestions to improve the experience for colleagues that volunteer for future SCWG project teams? (optional) [free text] 9. Do you have suggestions on how to increase the number of staff that volunteer to participate in SCWG projects? (optional) [free text] 10. Do you have suggestions on how to increase the user impact of future SCWG projects? (optional) [free text] 11. Do you have additional comments or suggestions for the SCWG Steering Group? (optional) [free text] Endnotes 1 Association of College & Research Libraries, “Principles and Strategies for the Reform of Scholarly Communication,” June 2003, http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/whitepapers/ principlesstrategies. 2 Rachel Radom, Melanie Feltner-Reichert, and kynita stringer- stanback, Organization of Scholarly Communication Services, SPEC Kit 332 (Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, November 2012), http://publications.arl.org/ Organization-of-Scholarly-Communication-Services-SPEC-Kit-332/. 3 Cornell University Library, “Cornell Open Access Publication Fund,” accessed June 26, 2017, https://www.library.cornell.edu/about/ collections/coap. 4 ORCID, “About ORCID,” accessed June 26, 2017, https://orcid.org/ content/about-orcid. 5 Scholars@Cornell, "About Scholars@Cornell," accessed September 21, 2017, https://scholars.cornell.edu/about.