35 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 — 2017 and perceived hindrances such as physical, cultural, administrative, and psychological divides and boundaries? What might be some approaches to work toward making this cooperative model a reality? This is not to give an illusion that this is a simple undertaking, but by imagining how this synthesis might look on the ground, we can further develop how it could be achieved, why it’s important, and what is needed to get closer to making such a model achievable. Defining the Collaborative Model “Collaboration,” a term widely used, is often perceived as synonymous to cooperation and sharing responsibility without a motive beyond the notion of working together. It is through the development of a “collaborative model,” going beyond cooperation, that an interactive process with meaningful progress and fruitful outcomes can emerge. Through this ideology, librarians can provide more effective, consistent, and rich service and support to their users. Approaches to work and expertise in a shared, team-based manner, and the development of a shared understanding of work and resources, will increase exposure to and use of both general and special collections. A collaborative model must center around the notion of permeating the silos that exist for primary and secondary source materials. The model begins with an overarching attitude that there cannot be an “us” and a “them,” and while each member of a collaborative team has particular skills that they contribute, a suspension of this bifurcation is an integral starting point. How that work evolves is dependent on the structure and size of the organization, but the collaborative model must begin with trust and a shared understanding that access to and discoverability of all resources is paramount. Territoriality should be non-existent from all stakeholders’ perspectives. That is not to say that librarians A collaborative model must center around the notion of permeating the silos that exist for primary and sec- ondary source materials.