19 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 — 2017 How Intrapreneurship Enhances Existing Organizational Structures: A Holistic Case Study from a Large Academic Library Judith Logan, User Services Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries Lisa Gayhart, User Experience Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries The concept of entrepreneurship has motivated people across a variety of disciplines to leave tradutional workplaces in search of a different type of employment. At its best, entrepreneurship provides professional autonomy, faster product and service innovation, and necessary disruption to industries that have become complacent or stale. This model seems far removed from libraries where we often organize ourselves in traditional, bureaucratic structures along functional lines (e.g., reference, cataloging, circulation). This arrangement makes sense for libraries our funding generally comes from large parent institutions, so we are more stable than sales-based businesses. Does this mean we are doomed to miss out on entrepreneurship’s benefits? Not at all. Like entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship offers organizations opportunities to innovate. Batthini describes an intrapreneur as “an employee of a large organisation who has the entrepreneurial qualities of drive, creativity, vision and ambition, but who prefers, if possible, to remain within the security of an established company.”1 This informal process is born of the employee’s analytical skills and passion for their clients or organization. Intrapreneurial employees take initiative to solve problems with an organization’s products or services from within the existing organizational structure.