60 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2012–2013
10 Included was the actual benefit costs to Western Libraries. Western Libraries is charged benefits at a rate
of 27.5% for all full time permanent employees. Western Libraries is charged at a rate of 13% for student
assistants and contract support staff.
21, 22 Included in overall Western Libraries data, as ILL is a centrally funded and operated service.
4 This figure is impossible to determine reliably.
7.a Includes $450,000 one-time funds for special purchase.
7.b Includes some one-time electronic purchase not easily separated from other Online purchases.
11 Figure is for professional library staff only. Figure is higher for paraprofessionals.
12 Previous years amount entered in error. We do not have any centrally or consortially-funded access.
18–20 Not available. All statistics are campus-wide and held by main library.
1 Correction: some MARC records had also been loaded into the catalogue and as a result were double
counted in previous years.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars—Collections Expenditures: (7a) $314,271 (7b) $603,488
(7c) $30,019 (7) $947,778 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $705,210 (8b) $709,274 (8c) $56,486 (8) $1,470,970 (10)
$315,767 Overall Expenditures: (7) $947,778 (8) $1,470,970 (9) $107,822 (6) $2,526,570 (12) $0. NOTE: Total
Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
7.a Includes 39,960 MOML 7 (Primary Sources pt 2).
8.a Increase due to sabbatical replacements.
11 Faculty -20% other professionals -22 %Staff -27.5% Casuals -10%.
13.a 5 YUFA librarians +3 PT Librarians (1.5 FTE) +1 YUFA retiree (.3 FTE)
13.b 11.75 YUSA +1 CPM.
14 Decrease due to 3 YUFA librarians on sabbatical.
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