RLI 288  25 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2016 FIGURE 3. DASHBOARD OF ILLIAD BORROWING, 2010– We quickly realized that this approach failed to provide serviceable data for interdisciplinary areas, such as Jewish studies. To address this issue, the team constructed a second dashboard using data queried and blended from ILLiad, Sierra, and a number of other sources, and then filtered the data using non- English languages. The resulting dashboard in Figure 4 is more useful for our area studies librarians, who serve users across a number of academic disciplines. The map on the upper left illustrates that the OSU Libraries borrow non-English materials from a more diverse population of libraries across the nation, while the bubble chart on the lower left highlights that German-language materials are requested the most frequently, followed by Spanish, and then French. The text table on the right is fully interactive. Thus, if our Jewish studies librarian clicks on “Hebrew,” he will obtain a more robust list of titles requested by patrons during the same time period.
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