40 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 302 — 2021 further underscored the importance of open infrastructure and services. In the early months of the COVID pandemic, demand for training surged, especially among graduate students who didn’t have access to their labs or other means of doing their research. Duke University Libraries noticed a marked increase in viewing of their recorded training workshops. Libraries at Penn State, the University of Florida, and The Ohio State University all reported and responded to the increased demand for such training.20 Adriene Lim, dean of libraries at the University of Maryland, expressed her decision to support SocArXiv in terms of scholarly partnership and public engagement: SocArXiv fits into the UMD Libraries’ strategies related to enhancing open access and supporting academy-owned infrastructure for scholarly communication.…[and] we’re proud to be the institutional home and sustain this valuable resource for the entire research community.21 The University of Maryland Libraries noted that: The Libraries also manages the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM), which hosts material from UMD researchers, including theses and dissertations as well as research articles. In the future, SocArXiv hopes to integrate submission of Maryland researchers’ content with DRUM, extending the reach of UMD’s research output, as well as leveraging other benefits offered by SocArXiv.22 SCOSS: A Partnership between Infrastructure Services, National Funding Agencies, and Libraries The Global Coalition for Sustainability in Open Science Services (SCOSS) formed in 2017 to: help essential, noncommercial services for open science in need of immediate financial support. In other words, SCOSS formed to