18 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 302 — 2021 13. For more information on linking DMP-IDs to other resources, see: “Link DMP IDs to Other Resources,” DataCite, accessed November 24, 2021, https://support.datacite.org/docs/ link-dmp-ids-to-other-resources. 14. Maria Praetzellis, “Introducing the FAIR Island Project,” February 10, 2020, University of California Curation Center (UC3), https://uc3. cdlib.org/2020/02/10/introducing-fair-island/. 15. For more information on creating a DMP-ID, see: “DataCite DMP IDs,” DataCite, accessed November 24, 2021, https://support. datacite.org/docs/datacite-dmp-ids. © Maria Gould and Maria Praetzellis This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. To cite this article: Gould, Maria, and Maria Praetzellis. “Open Persistent Identifiers: The Building Blocks of Sustainable Scholarly Infrastructure.” Research Library Issues, no. 302 (2021): 5–18. https:// doi.org/10.29242/rli.302.2.