36 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 302 — 2021 two or three key infrastructures at a time. Finally, individual libraries, consortia, and professional associations are articulating their own values frameworks to guide decision-making. Frameworks of Principles and Values for Sustainable Scholarship Many ARL member libraries and consortia, in partnership with both faculty and administrators, have pledged to align their spending with statements of values and principles that have implications for open and/or community-based infrastructures. Members of the ARL community have created high-level decision-making frameworks that can form the basis of local policy and criteria for infrastructure investments against which they can assess investment opportunities. These frameworks6 are based on alignment with institutional mission to provide wide and equitable access to scholarship, and generally promote the following criteria for scholarly communication services: (1) fair and sustainable pricing, (2) community input or governance in the infrastructure, and (3) transparency of financial operations and costs. The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and SPARC’s “Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services,”7 endorsed by ARL, also include easy migration (no lock-in), and open standards. Data within Organizations In order for libraries to advance sustainable scholarship initiatives through their own values frameworks and in partnership with scholars, the library community needs mechanisms for information-sharing within and across organizations. If the data were easy to collect, individual institutions, consortia, or membership organizations could recognize and measure financial contributions to open scholarship, which in turn would help make such contributions normative, as proponents of the 2.5% commitment had envisioned. But contributions