Footnotes · 65
1.b Major weeding project resulted in large net decrease in collection size.
1.b.i Increase to monographic budget for e-books.
1.b.ii Eskind Biomedical Library undertook a substantial weeding project during 2009-2010.
3 Increase in purchases due to increased monographic budget for e-books.
5-5.a.ii Move from print to electronic including multi-title databases.
16, 16.b These amounts do not include specialized electronic resources traditionally held by other Vanderbilt Medical Center units,
e.g. Micromedex, that are now paid through a separate Informatics Center budget.
16.a Increased monographic budget to emphasize purchases of electronic content, e-books.
16.c "Other" materials funds used for purchase of electronic journal backfiles.
18, 27 Professionals providing non-traditional services are now paid from a separate budget under the Informatics Center.
18.a, 27.a Professionals providing non-traditional services are now staff of the Informatics Center in Vanderbilt University's Medical
Center. They are no longer paid staff of the Eskind Biomedical Library.
18.c Reduction in student assistant funding due to less need for shelving with increased emphasis on electronic books and
21 Overall decrease due to shift of large portion of staffing costs now paid from non-library budget.
27.c Total student hours are 30/week, i.e. .75 FTE.
31 Library emphasis on larger instruction groups which include resident and nursing student orientations.
36 Decreased need for ILL due to e-journal backfile purchases.
1 Includes 3,020 e-books.
2 Titles are reported under University Library for all branches.
3 Includes 550 e-books.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 285,204.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 294,975.
2 For 2008-2009, the volume count was reported in error as a title count. The corrected number reported here reflects a title
5.b Total serials received not purchased is 900. Unable to breakdown by source.
1.b.i 17,544 e-books.
1.b Major weeding project resulted in large net decrease in collection size.
1.b.i Increase to monographic budget for e-books.
1.b.ii Eskind Biomedical Library undertook a substantial weeding project during 2009-2010.
3 Increase in purchases due to increased monographic budget for e-books.
5-5.a.ii Move from print to electronic including multi-title databases.
16, 16.b These amounts do not include specialized electronic resources traditionally held by other Vanderbilt Medical Center units,
e.g. Micromedex, that are now paid through a separate Informatics Center budget.
16.a Increased monographic budget to emphasize purchases of electronic content, e-books.
16.c "Other" materials funds used for purchase of electronic journal backfiles.
18, 27 Professionals providing non-traditional services are now paid from a separate budget under the Informatics Center.
18.a, 27.a Professionals providing non-traditional services are now staff of the Informatics Center in Vanderbilt University's Medical
Center. They are no longer paid staff of the Eskind Biomedical Library.
18.c Reduction in student assistant funding due to less need for shelving with increased emphasis on electronic books and
21 Overall decrease due to shift of large portion of staffing costs now paid from non-library budget.
27.c Total student hours are 30/week, i.e. .75 FTE.
31 Library emphasis on larger instruction groups which include resident and nursing student orientations.
36 Decreased need for ILL due to e-journal backfile purchases.
1 Includes 3,020 e-books.
2 Titles are reported under University Library for all branches.
3 Includes 550 e-books.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 285,204.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 294,975.
2 For 2008-2009, the volume count was reported in error as a title count. The corrected number reported here reflects a title
5.b Total serials received not purchased is 900. Unable to breakdown by source.
1.b.i 17,544 e-books.