60 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2009–2010
EMORY, cont.
5.a.ii Decrease due to ongoing transition to electronic format serials.
16.a Increase due to more e-book purchases.
16.c Decrease due to spending less on backfile purchases than in 2008-2009.
17 Efforts to reduce contract binding are ongoing plus continuing transition to electronic format only for serials.
18.b, 27 Reduction in force took place in August 2009.
18.c Decrease due to having no student employees.
30 Increase due to implementation of spreadsheet used by all librarians and informationists to capture increased instruction
32 Decrease due to fewer in-person questions and closure of Media service point.
Library branches included: Borland Library, VetMed Reading Room.
16.a, 22 During 2008-2009, we acquired a number of e-books from OVID but did not do the same this year.
16.b This represents increases by publishers and efforts to receive the best pricing through multi-year plans.
16.c This represents savings realized by last year's multi-year plans.
18.b Due to an increase in support staff hired (see footnote for question 27b) there has been an overall increase in support staff
26 The ILL traffic in 2009-2010 has increased (see questions 35 &36). This has resulted in an increase in ILL costs.
27.a The professional librarian staff was down by two for the period from July 2008 to June 2009. One professional librarian was
hired, accounting for the difference.
27.b One support staff member was added bringing up the total difference 50%.
32 The 2008-2009 figures were based on sampling plus calculations. This year's method has changed the data is not based on
sampling and is therefore more accurate.
36 The overall enrollment has gone up, causing the ILL requests to go up.
1.b Number withdrawn in 2008-2009 was exceptionally large due to a physical space reduction. This year is a more typical
2 A large number of AV materials were weeded as well as titles.
4 At this time, both methods are used: physical counts for #1 and bibliographic count accounts for #2.
5.a.i Converted many print+online titles to online-only allowing us to purchase additional titles.
5.b.ii University added Springer package, increasing the number.
13 Video tape collection weeded in anticipation of format change to DVD.
16.c Electronic backfiles were purchased.
17 Binding has been eliminated.
18.c Number of student workers used was modified.
22 More electronic backfiles were purchased than in 2008-2009.
23 Figure was calculated differently this year.
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