64 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2009–2010
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 373,256 to include 858 previously uncataloged volumes. [Newark Law Library]
1.b No weeding projects in 2009-2010 so less volumes withdrawn. [Camden Law Library]
16.b Includes $241,564 in electronic expenditures. [Newark Law Library]
16.c Includes $72,196 for one-time purchase of electronic resources. [Newark Law Library]
16.d Unknown budget allocation during most of the fiscal year kept our expenditures in this area to a minimum. [Camden
Law Library]
16.d Loose leaf filing service discontinued after first two months of fiscal year. [Newark Law Library]
17 Discontinued routine binding. [Newark Law Library]
18.a This figure is for ten professionals, now including two who have M.L.S. degrees but are on non-faculty lines. Salaries
of those two were previously included in support-staff salaries Change is being made for consistency with ARL Salary
Survey, where we include all ten, and for consistency with American Bar Association questionnaire. [Newark Law
18.b Figure now includes only eight full-time staff members previous years' figures included ten full-time staff members.
Two who have M.L.S. degrees are now included in question 18a. See note to question 18a. Also included here are
$16,542 in part-time wages. [Newark Law Library]
18.c 2008-2009 student assistant budget was cut drastically. Partial restitution was received in 2009-2010. [Camden Law
18.c Includes work-study, a total of $22,263. Employment of students was significantly lower in 2009-2010. [Newark Law
19 Fringe benefits total was $430,035. [Newark Law Library]
27.a Two who have M.L.S. but are not on faculty lines are now included here Previously included in question 27b. [Newark
Law Library]
27.b 8 full-time plus 1502.5 hours part-time divided by 1875 hrs, rounded to 1. See note to question 27a. [Newark Law
27.c 3,025 hours divided by 1,875 hours, rounded. [Newark Law Library]
30, 31 This is a rough estimate. [Newark Law Library]
36 Excludes material received from Rutgers Main Library system. [Newark Law Library]
All figures are as of 04/30/2010.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 163,557.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $111,847 (16b) $862,408 (16c) $0 (16d) $0 (16) $974,255 (17) $5,774
(18a) $250,172 (18b) $165,759 (18c) $15,590 (18) $431,521 (20) $0 (21) $1,411,550 (22) $0 (23) $0 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25) $0
(26) $0.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 544,921.
5.b.ii Increase due to the addition of more born-digital titles and free electronic titles.
16.c Increase due to the purchase of more electronic titles such as "The Supreme Court Records and Briefs."
26 Increase results from 2009-2010 OCLC credits for original cataloging.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 218,179.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 373,256 to include 858 previously uncataloged volumes. [Newark Law Library]
1.b No weeding projects in 2009-2010 so less volumes withdrawn. [Camden Law Library]
16.b Includes $241,564 in electronic expenditures. [Newark Law Library]
16.c Includes $72,196 for one-time purchase of electronic resources. [Newark Law Library]
16.d Unknown budget allocation during most of the fiscal year kept our expenditures in this area to a minimum. [Camden
Law Library]
16.d Loose leaf filing service discontinued after first two months of fiscal year. [Newark Law Library]
17 Discontinued routine binding. [Newark Law Library]
18.a This figure is for ten professionals, now including two who have M.L.S. degrees but are on non-faculty lines. Salaries
of those two were previously included in support-staff salaries Change is being made for consistency with ARL Salary
Survey, where we include all ten, and for consistency with American Bar Association questionnaire. [Newark Law
18.b Figure now includes only eight full-time staff members previous years' figures included ten full-time staff members.
Two who have M.L.S. degrees are now included in question 18a. See note to question 18a. Also included here are
$16,542 in part-time wages. [Newark Law Library]
18.c 2008-2009 student assistant budget was cut drastically. Partial restitution was received in 2009-2010. [Camden Law
18.c Includes work-study, a total of $22,263. Employment of students was significantly lower in 2009-2010. [Newark Law
19 Fringe benefits total was $430,035. [Newark Law Library]
27.a Two who have M.L.S. but are not on faculty lines are now included here Previously included in question 27b. [Newark
Law Library]
27.b 8 full-time plus 1502.5 hours part-time divided by 1875 hrs, rounded to 1. See note to question 27a. [Newark Law
27.c 3,025 hours divided by 1,875 hours, rounded. [Newark Law Library]
30, 31 This is a rough estimate. [Newark Law Library]
36 Excludes material received from Rutgers Main Library system. [Newark Law Library]
All figures are as of 04/30/2010.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 163,557.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $111,847 (16b) $862,408 (16c) $0 (16d) $0 (16) $974,255 (17) $5,774
(18a) $250,172 (18b) $165,759 (18c) $15,590 (18) $431,521 (20) $0 (21) $1,411,550 (22) $0 (23) $0 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25) $0
(26) $0.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 544,921.
5.b.ii Increase due to the addition of more born-digital titles and free electronic titles.
16.c Increase due to the purchase of more electronic titles such as "The Supreme Court Records and Briefs."
26 Increase results from 2009-2010 OCLC credits for original cataloging.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 218,179.