RLI 281 Research LibrariesS and IndDividuals with Print DisabilitiesS 24 DECEMBER 2012 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A QUARTERLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC The OCUL project will provide an opportunity to explore the potential for success of this kind of service. If successful, more funds would be sought to expand and improve the new collaborative service. Ultimately, the program would be fully sustained by OCUL libraries that participate in the program. In this first phase, taking full advantage of the Scholars Portal digital library infrastructure, at least four libraries will contribute alternative format materials to a repository that has the ability to authenticate disabled students that have self-identified and registered at each institution. These students may then search for and access materials from the repository. If something is not available, they may submit a request. Either the home institution will digitize the materials in-house or take advantage of the Internet Archive operation at the University of Toronto to digitize materials. The goal is to reduce duplication of resources by retaining scanned copies for reuse in a digitally secure repository that allows self-service through a robust authentication system. The repository will contain alternative copies of materials held at OCUL libraries. The target is to have 1,000 items available by the end of the year-long pilot.