SPEC Kit 336: Responsible Conduct of Research Training · 121
Plagiarism Tutorial
Plagiarism Tutorial at Duke University
https://plagiarism.duke.edu/[8/16/13 6:11:44 PM]
Office of the
Dean of
Affairs, Trinity
Plagiarism Tutorial
Duke University
114 Allen Building
Box 90042
Durham, North Carolina
Phone: (919) 684-3465
Fax: (919) 681-6280
By Definition |Intentional |Unintentional |Scholarly Procedures |Avoiding Plagiarism |Useful Links
As a member of the Duke community, you will be contributing to the scholarly achievements of our
university through your work both in and outside of the classroom. In high school you probably learned
about documenting sources properly and avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism, broadly speaking, is claiming
someone else's work as your own. At the college level, plagiarism is considered to be a serious violation
of academic integrity, even if it is not intentional. In the following pages you will find information on the
different forms of plagiarism, proper scholarly procedure and links to helpful web sites. Following this
information is an interactive exercise that you must complete to be cleared for course registration later
this semester.
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