24 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Additional Comments N=6
Available to all though targeted to medical personnel, animal &human research, and related.
Both exist: some initiatives are general seminars offered by the School of Graduate Studies and some initiatives are
directed to specific groups (organized by and for faculties, departments).
Ethics, avoiding research misconduct, RCR, and data management offered to clinical research faculty and staff.
Individual programs vary by school and department.
Primarily for faculty and graduate students.
The answer to this question is “both available to all” and “directed to specific groups.” Specific groups include, for
example, Driskill Graduate Program in the Life Sciences IBiS graduate students &Evanston campus post-docs Public
Health Neuroscience. Sessions are available to all and, in some cases, directed to specific groups.
5. Is there an institution-wide committee or unit that coordinates these workshops? N=39
Yes 28 72%
No 11 28%
If yes, please identify the committee and briefly describe its members. N=28
Coordinated by the Office of the Vice President for Research.
Dean of Graduate Studies
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in conjunction with Teaching and Learning Services
Graduate Research Ethics Programs Director
Human Studies Program has a director and several IRB coordinators.
Institutional Review Board (IRB), comprised of faculty members and IRB staff members.
More than one group, but shared responsibility among Undergraduate Studies, Vice Chancellor for Research, Sponsored
Research Departments.
No single committee. There are committees for various parts of the topics.
Office for Research/Office for Research Integrity
Office of Research
Office of Research Administration, a university-level administrative unit
Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA). Composed of a director, assistant director, and the associate
academic vice president for research.
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Office of Research Services also some faculties have research offices that offer sessions.
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
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