RLI 288  6 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2016 The University of Massachusetts implemented MINES twice, in 2008–2009 and 2013–2014. This paper compares two implementation methods for a point-of-use, intercept survey launched at the EZproxy server: (1) randomly chosen two-hour sessions and (2), an every-Nth-user systematic methodology. The 2008–2009 survey used 24 two-hour time blocks spread over 12 months to survey users of e-resources (primarily e-journals and databases). The 2013–2014 implementation, which for the purposes of this paper closed June 30, 2014, surveyed every 140th usage passing through the proxy server. The paper compares the two methods for reliability and validity of the results and ease of technical implementation and reports on the results of the recent survey, examining user demographics, time and date analysis, location of use, purpose of use, and collection development implications. Further, this paper demonstrates how using business intelligence software for data analysis and visualizations11 to interact with the survey data in real time helped to: review and use live data throughout the year providing the ability to monitor the projected total results to make adjustments in real time (The survey frequency was increased from every 200th user to every 140th user to collect sufficient data to answer collection development research questions.) compare the distribution of sampled e-resources to all the usage of e-resources to judge the reliability of the sample present a more informative visual display over SPSS and Excel graphics revealing relationships more easily and clearly and collect survey data continuously, running the survey for the foreseeable future, and consider expanding the survey scope to include other resources. Finally, the paper shows how data collected about users including status, academic affiliation, and purpose of use creates a deep picture of usage that can be combined with COUNTER data to give a more complete picture of electronic resource usage. MINES for Libraries As described on the MINES for Libraries website, http://www.minesforlibraries.org/,12 MINES stands for Measuring the Impact of Networked Electronic Services and is an online, transaction-based, intercept survey that collects data on the purpose of use of electronic resources and on the demographics of users, developed by Brinley Franklin and Terry Plum. MINES was adopted by the Association of Research Libraries as part of the New Measures toolkit in May 2003. It is a point-of-use web survey of three to five questions that integrates usage data about electronic resources such as digital collections, open access journals, pre-print and post-print servers, and institutional repositories, to give an inclusive picture of the library’s supported networked electronic resources. In general, MINES for Libraries aims to:
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