*Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistics. Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. § See Footnotes. 65 TABLE 35: FILLED POSITIONS AVERAGE, MEDIAN, BEGINNING PROFESSIONAL SALARIES AND AVERAGE YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ARL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL LIBRARIES, FY 2005-06* Filled Average Median Beginning Average Institution Positions Salary Salary Salary Yrs. Exp. New Mexico 19 73,591 65,279 45,000 17.2 New York University 24 65,936 62,412 48,500 16.2 North Carolina 30 56,808 56,734 38,000 19.2 Northwestern 13 55,919 58,856 40,000 16.7 Ohio State 11 58,112 56,968 30,000 13.7 Oklahoma 7 48,889 50,551 34,000 18.9 Oklahoma State 3 40,000 23.3 Pennsylvania 14 55,505 51,877 39,000 15.5 Pennsylvania State 5 54,072 50,364 39,000 18.4 Pittsburgh 27 52,648 48,885 34,738 14.2 Queen`s 7 50,766 49,317 36,000 13.6 Rochester 20 51,213 47,247 33,453 19.4 Saskatchewan 6 43,731 40,665 34,000 5.5 South Carolina 6 41,788 37,262 42,500 10.5 Southern California 14 68,518 69,071 35,000 18.6 Southern Illinois 6 52,609 54,624 38,753 20.5 SUNY Buffalo 15 55,304 53,760 40,000 16.7 SUNY Stony Brook 20 59,816 58,490 36,500 10.8 Temple 12 48,726 49,849 38,000 16.9 Tennessee, Knoxville 4 41,525 41,889 41,000 14.5 Tennessee, Memphis 13 52,526 48,543 40,000 22.5 Texas Tech 21 47,004 43,527 38,388 20.7 Toronto 17 66,310 72,063 36,649 15.7 Tulane 8 45,508 41,200 34,000 19.5 Utah 15 52,380 49,157 33,000 16.7 Vanderbilt 23 52,454 50,851 36,000 11.0 Virginia 15 56,036 58,400 45,000 15.8 Washington 20 57,618 53,640 38,800 20.0 Washington U.-St. Louis 22 57,283 46,996 38,000 23.2 Wayne State 12 43,963 40,918 40,000 9.8 Wisconsin 19 53,295 51,805 37,719 10.1 Yale 17 65,228 62,178 40,400 14.7
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