88 that intermediate level. Professionals who carry out analysis, programming, etc. should be listed as functional specialists (FSPEC). Head, Acquisitions Department. Use HDACQ for all of the following positions: (a) head of a department that is responsible for the selection of material (or management of selection activities carried out on a basis encompassing more than a single organizational unit), but not responsible for the placement of orders, payment of invoices, etc. (b) head of a department responsible for the placement of orders, maintaining on-order files, payment of invoices, etc., but not responsible for selection decisions (c) head of a department responsible for both the selection decisions (or coordination of selection activities) and for acquiring the material. Libraries that split these two functions between two departments should report more than one professional with the position HDACQ. [Special note concerning Assistant Department Heads. Assistant Department Heads who are responsible for major units and spend the bulk of their time in supervision and revision of the work of others should also be listed as “Head, Other Department/Service/Agency.” See additional subcodes below for Head, Cataloging, and Head, Other Department. However, Assistant Head positions responsible for small units or for supervision only in the absence of the head should be reported as non-supervisory or specialist positions as appropriate.] Administrative. Please note that ADMIN is not only for Administrative Services and related positions, but also can be applied to Public Relations/Communications, Development/Fundraising, and all other administrative and/or professional positions which do not have a logical home elsewhere. 7. Sex. Indicate either M or F, for male and female, respectively. Please use only the letter indicated do not spell out the word. 8. Minority status code (OEOCat). U.S. university libraries, only, should indicate minority status by means of one of the following code numbers. (Leave blank if a Canadian library or if vacant.) 1 Black 2 Hispanic 3 Asian or Pacific Islander 4 American Indian or Native Alaskan 5 Caucasian/Other 9. Total years of professional experience (Yrsexp). Define “professional experience” as indicated in the general instructions for most professional staff members this will mean counting the years since the MLS degree was awarded. When counting, do not subtract interim periods when an individual was not engaged in professional library employment if these periods are short in relation to the overall professional career. Count an academic year contract period as a full year. Be sure to include professional experience in previous positions and in other institutions. Numbers should be rounded off to the nearest whole number. 10. Rank. Responses concerning rank should be limited to professional librarians, and other professionals who occupy the same ranks as librarians. Leave the rank column blank for professionals who do not occupy these ranks or if the column is not applicable. For example, if the Library Business Officer holds a rank typically used for university administrators but not for librarians, do not supply a rank code for that individual or describe his/her rank in answering other questions, even if you have included salary and other data for the Business Officer. If multiple ranking structures are used for librarians and these structures are substantially different and not equivalent, enter individual rank information only for that group which represents the largest fraction of “rank- and-file” librarians. Do not use roman numeral rank levels. Convert your local ranking system if necessary.