34 Data Tables
Analysis of Selected Variables of University Libraries
The percentages and ratios below are select indicators that describe the condition of ARL university libraries. The high and low
figures indicate the range, while the mean and median indicate the central tendency of the distributions for ARL university libraries.
Note that a distribution is normal when the mean and the median figures are identical. If the mean is larger than the median then the
distribution is positively skewed, and if the opposite is true the distribution is negatively skewed.
High Mean Median Low Number of
Professional Staff as a precent of Total Staff 79.41 39.12 38.67 21.84 114
Support Staff as a precent of Total Staff 68.97 41.80 42.58 15.10 113
Student Assistant Staff as a precent of Total Staff 56.77 19.79 19.96 2.70 112
Ratio of Professional to Support Staff (excluding Student Assistant
2.67 1.04 0.92 0.37 113
Ratio of Items Loaned to Items Borrowed 6.97 1.45 1.24 0.26 114
Total Library Materials Expenditures as a precent of Total Library
60.94 46.97 47.64 28.05 114
Salary and Wages Expenditures as a precent of Total Library
61.49 42.17 41.60 29.88 114
Other Operating Expenditures as a precent of Total Library
26.22 10.85 9.88 3.33 114
Library Expenditures per Faculty 66,046.68 17,866.40 15,888.66 7,219.68 114
Library Expenditures per Full-Time Student 6,643.13 1,316.69 963.57 379.74 114
Library Expenditures per Full-Time Graduate Student 19,636.29 5,235.65 4,502.94 2,472.04 114
Library Expenditures per Full-Time User 5,948.45 1,207.12 910.48 363.52 114
Library Expenditures per User 5,948.45 1,055.08 756.41 269.67 114
Library Expenditures per PhD Awarded 367,836.30 55,268.40 43,836.25 15,354.16 114
Library Staff per PhD Awarded 4.57 0.48 0.39 0.14 114
Professional Library Staff per PhD Awarded 1.29 0.18 0.14 0.04 114
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