50 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
9 Figure erroneously underreported in FY13.
21 Includes 1,943 from fee-based service.
7.c Includes bibliographic utilities, integrated library system, interlibrary loan, memberships for
publication purposes, and binding costs.
10 Includes medical, dental, retirement, workers compensation, and unemployment insurances.
18–20 This number includes only EBSCO, Edinburg University Press, Gale, IngentaConnect &
ProQuest. Other databases are not COUNTER compliant. We are not able to obtain use statistics
from a number of our database subscriptions including Westlaw, Lexis, BNA, Bloomberg. The
remainder of our databases are subscribed to by the main campus libraries and are accounted for
in their statistics.
18 Non-COUNTER compliant statistics: Hein Online article retrievals–70,043 CCH articles
viewed–1299 ALM page views–11,152 Leadership Directories documents viewed–1069.
19 Non-COUNTER compliant statistics: Hein Online searches–19,676 CCH searches–892.
For counts coded as “NA/UA”: Unless otherwise noted, counts for Law are included as part of
the main survey reporting, and are not broken out here.
2 Print volumes only. With 2009–10 forward, does not include any e-books. All e-book counts are
included in the main survey Law cannot be broken out.
7, 8 The requested breakouts cannot be provided.
13 Excludes student FTE all student FTE are included in the main survey. Excludes any short-term
temporary staff and any positions that were temporarily vacant on June 30th.
13.a Includes academic and exempt staff.
13.b Includes non-academic, non-exempt staff.
14, 16 Information transactions and presentations to groups include only those interactions staff
recorded in Count It, CUL’s locally built system for tracking public services transactions.
17 Includes ILL lending transactions.
7.a Decrease due to previous year expenditures including a one-time payment to Oxford University
Press which was moved up rather than paid in FY 2014.
21 2012–2013 entry was incorrect: Should have been 895 ILL loans instead of 1495 ILL loans.
All figures are as of 08/31/2014.
18–20 Reported at the system level for all libraries in the MAIN library form.
Library branches included: College of Law Research Center.
7.a, 7.c The total library materials expenditure varied only slightly from the prior year. Within that
figure, the expenditures between one-time, ongoing, and collection support were adjusted for
the current collection needs of the library.
8.b, 13.b Due to retirements and departures, there was one fewer FTE staff position this year.
8.c This reflects a decrease because in prior years wages from an FTE support staff was
inadvertently included in the student assistant figures.
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