52 Footnotes
Includes: Worker’s Compensation Insurance, Health Match, TRS Matching, ORP Matching, Opt Out
Health Matching, Lump Sum Vacation Pool, Retiree Insurance Pool, Medicaid, Medicare, FICA, and
Social Security.
7.a Decrease in monographic purchases or increased cost and demand in serials.
18–20 These data for the medical Library are no longer available as disaggregated from the Main Library
(general campus network) data.
23 Not available.
Includes COUNTER compliant data for journals from AMA, Cambridge, EBSCO, Elsevier, Informa,
Karger, Mary Ann Liebert, Nature, NEJM, Ovid, Oxford, Sage, Springer, Taylor &Francis, Thieme, and
19 Includes searches in the following databases: CINAHL, DynaMed, Gale, LexiComp, Cochrane, Scopus,
AccessMedicine, MD Consult, STAT!Ref, and UpToDate.
20 N/A. Our individual databases count searches only, not federated searches within a single database.
Other federated searching across content is handled by Primo, which Marriott manages.
Library branches included: Eskind Biomedical Library.
1, 2 Ongoing withdrawal project.
2, 4 Electronic volumes are counted as their paper counterparts would be counted in order to reflect the fact
that many of our e-journal titles have full runs of backfiles.
8, 8.a–8.b Individuals contributing to projects and initiatives considered Knowledge Management have been
shifted accordingly.
8.c Reflects return of some student help for a portion of the year.
9 Return of funding from previous year reduction.
10 Decrease reflects staffing changes.
13, 13.a Individuals contributing to projects and initiatives considered Knowledge Management have been
shifted accordingly.
16 Change in priorities and patterns of library use.
21–22 Change in priorities and increased electronic access.
23 Gate count was not available for Biomedical Library.
2 Adjustment for off-site storage.
2 Withdrew or recycled over 50,000 volumes of print serials in order to repurpose space.
15 Not sure why drop occurred possibly fewer large classes and more clinical support.
16 Reflects increase in user reliance on unmediated online support.
21 Deaccessioning reduced holdings that are available for ILL fulfillment.
22 Reflects increase in availability of e-resources.
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