29 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 289 — 2016 for the two largest libraries—the Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) and the Powell Library—than anyone would have anticipated. Many students and faculty were already outdoors on their way to classes or to get coffee or breakfast, and those who were in buildings near the Engineering complex were instructed by police to leave their buildings and seek refuge in other parts of the campus. The public service ethos and caring attitudes of library staff made it almost impossible to lock the front doors while large groups of students could be seen wandering across the main campus quadrangle or around the north part of campus. Many of us felt a sense of responsibility to help get those students inside into a safer environment. Police on UCLA campus, June 1, 2016. Photo credit: Daphne Ying (@whydaphnewhy on Twitter). So, despite the texted instructions, we kept staff near the front doors of YRL and Powell to let students in. In Powell Library and the Young