87 11. The questionnaire should be returned to the ARL Office by September 30, 2006. If you are providing the individual data as an electronic file, please send the files as an email attachment to stats-ra@arl.org, and mail or fax Part I of the survey and a printout of the data file (Part II). Alternatively, you can save the files on a disk and mail the disk with the hard copy of Part I and Part II of the survey. Be sure to keep a complete copy of your return, including the electronic version of the data for your files. Instructions for Completing Part I: Summary Data 1. Part I of this survey deals with general information for the current fiscal year, 2006-07. 2. Please include the Beginning Professional Salary for Law and Medical libraries if included in the survey if not included, enter “N/A” in the appropriate blank. 3. Question 1. The Beginning Professional Salary is the salary that would be paid to a newly hired professional without experience, not necessarily the lowest professional salary paid. In reporting the beginning salary, please use a figure that is actually used or likely to be used for entry-level librarians hired by your library, even if it is your practice rarely to hire entry-level professionals without experience. Please report the 2006-07 Beginning Professional Salary to the best of your knowledge as it exists on July 1, 2006. Do not delay returning your survey with the expectation that more information will be available later. 4. The 2006-07 Average and Median Salary figures will be calculated by ARL from the individual data supplied. 5. Be sure to fill in the name of the reporting library and the name of the person who prepares the report. Instructions for Completing Part II: Individual Data 1. Part II of this survey requests information on salary, sex, minority status, rank, and years of experience for all filled positions for fiscal year 2006-07. The survey requests information for individuals aggregate data for each institution will be generated by computer. Vacant positions should be excluded from your report. 2. Data for the general, law, and medical libraries may be reported on separate templates see #4 below for specific instructions. 3. Survey Form. If you are not able to submit the data in electronic form, please use the enclosed forms. Photocopy additional sheets if you cannot list all professional positions in the space provided. You may also use a printout from a word-processing document with all columns correctly ordered and labeled. If you are reporting on paper forms only, list information for individuals in separate Law or Medical libraries on sheets devoted only to each of those two branches. Check the appropriate box at the top of the form to indicate when a sheet is only for Law or Medical library staff. The left-hand column labeled “Name/ID” has been provided so the form can also serve as a work sheet. After the forms have been completed, the left-hand column should be removed to ensure anonymity of the data. Except for segregating Law and Medical library staff, the order in which staff members are entered on the form is immaterial enter them in the order most convenient for you.
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