* Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistic. Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. U/A - Unavailable 76 TABLE 42: FILLED POSITIONS AVERAGE, MEDIAN, BEGINNING PROFESSIONAL SALARIES AND AVERAGE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN ARL UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARIES, FY 2006-07* Filled Average Median Beginning Average Institution Positions Salary Salary Salary Yrs. Exp. Alabama 9 $56,059 $57,349 $37,000 17.7 Alberta 3 * * 40,449 26.7 Arizona 10 62,037 63,284 47,000 18.3 Arizona State 7 60,331 59,718 43,000 17.3 Boston University 10 67,022 57,100 U/A 23.2 Boston College 14 71,985 76,000 39,850 21.6 British Columbia 4 64,107 62,142 43,718 19.3 California, Davis 7 77,161 78,036 39,000 22.1 California, Los Angeles 15 73,801 77,448 39,000 13.4 Case Western Reserve 13 60,764 60,771 35,000 15.9 Cincinnati 8 55,828 52,539 39,059 19.6 Colorado 7 66,390 62,215 38,000 16.4 Columbia 17 70,474 68,299 54,500 12.1 Connecticut 11 68,478 68,696 38,027 16.0 Cornell 8 68,443 64,545 52,000 14.3 Duke 10 68,406 69,450 45,000 17.4 Emory 10 56,738 53,745 37,000 16.1 Florida 9 57,474 53,556 50,000 23.7 Florida State 10 52,588 51,935 40,000 19.6 George Washington 20 75,739 70,972 45,000 14.9 Georgetown 22 73,371 68,200 45,000 12.5 Georgia 8 48,622 46,700 32,000 14.8 Harvard 45 73,046 71,035 45,500 19.4 Hawaii 5 68,936 69,749 42,500 16.2 Houston 14 52,302 48,000 48,000 13.7 Howard 9 45,297 45,255 41,695 15.7 Illinois, Urbana 10 63,125 65,060 51,000 12.9 Indiana 9 63,923 61,120 36,952 20.3 Iowa 15 67,611 63,000 40,000 19.9 Kansas 6 44,594 39,506 30,000 9.0 Kentucky 4 50,502 49,469 37,500 15.0 Louisiana State 10 59,376 52,059 42,000 18.5 Louisville 6 59,852 51,782 36,000 16.2 McGill 4 61,401 71,499 39,557 22.3 Manitoba 3 * * 38,833 27.3 Miami 15 54,107 53,303 41,700 15.9 Michigan 11 75,647 72,450 46,520 18.6 Minnesota 13 67,590 62,601 42,000 17.2 Missouri 8 49,110 50,120 U/A 10.5
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