58 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We collect from users information on projects they create and how the Libraries helped them accomplish these.
43. Has any assessment of your library fabrication/makerspace services led to changing services,
programs, or specific uses of the makerspace? N=20
Yes 11 55%
No 9 45%
If yes, please briefly describe what changed. N=11
Assessment of the service frequently leads to changes in our service offerings. Often these are subtle adjustments to
pricing, outreach, and training, but the data also identifies new needs on campus and who we may be able to partner
with for larger fund raising efforts.
Assessment supported the need for additional training/workshops for patrons.
Future equipment needs. Guiding future development of workshops and outreach.
It informed the library on which departments on campus to do more outreach and engagement with.
There’s a clear need from our students for design training. We’re working on offering that to our certified users for
fall 2015.
Used in planning for expansion of services. Training session topics are more diversified. More hands-on use
of equipment.
We assessed how students used the space by talking to them and we found out that the students prefer to do things
themselves. So we do the initial training and they can use the equipment by themselves and if they need any help they
can request it.
We decided to circulate objects printed on our 3-D printer based on a suggestion.
We have altered the focus and timing of the workshops based on user feedback.
We have revised our policies based on usage statistics and purchased a second 3-D printer to support the increase in
demand for course-related prints.
We used to think that all files with non-manifolds were the fault of our patrons, but we found out that those files that
wouldn’t print on our machine were working fine on other’s machines. This led us to take the blame more fairly for
failed prints.
44. If you gather (or plan to gather) data on the use of fabrication/makerspace services, please
indicate the type of data. Check all that apply. N=24
Number of service users 22 92%
Number of total 3-D prints 21 88%
Number of class/workshop registrations 18 75%
Number of class/workshop attendants 18 75%
Number of reference requests 14 58%
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