58 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Looking into digital humanities project.
Modest but steady role in rolling out new applications and keeping me excited about my job!
Ongoing creative solutions for current challenges.
Ongoing, even increasing, since the budget is not expanding but the service and technology demands are growing.
Also, it is a good thing to encourage in order to keep staff motivated and engaged.
Our library will be much more innovative in the future. We hope to cultivate a culture of innovation and collaboration
within the library and with the university and community partners through enacting our new 5-year strategic plan.
Significant role. As libraries move from the print to the digital economies, and as a digital ecosystem of resources and
services develops to support higher education, radical innovation will be required.
Technology-based innovation will have an increasing role, affecting all aspects of current services and offering the
potential to create totally new services.
The dean of libraries and AULs believe we will continue to place an emphasis on innovative and experimental projects
and new service initiatives. So continued innovative and some R&D will be important on a local level. However, it is
virtually impossible for every library (even every ARL library) to attempt to be innovative and do R&D in all areas. We
need to share results and findings that inform best practices so that each of us is not re-studying and re-inventing
wheels again and again.
The library plans to continue supporting innovation through these two entities, the IPE grants and Launch Pad Services.
We clearly see increased attention to innovation and research &development efforts as we look to meet the changing
needs of our users and continue to improve internal operations processes. To date, these have been somewhat ad hoc/
project-based efforts, but we anticipate developing a more formalized approach to funding &otherwise supporting
R&D within the library.
We have a long tradition of piloting ideas and making a determination of whether or not to continue and/or seek
recurring or more significant funding. This will undoubtedly continue. The dean has sought to expand those initiatives
by establishing the Innovation Fund so that pilots requiring money can be undertaken. In addition, he required each
librarian to identify a new/innovative project for their annual workplans.
We have a new innovation and strategy division in the libraries, which suggests a new focus on more innovation and
more risk-taking.
We will need to be innovative in how we measure and report the value of our library services.
We will take a stronger, more evidence-based approach to innovation.
34. Who will be your innovative partners at your institution in the next 1–3 years? N=40
Academic departments and support services, research centers, and information technology are likely candidates for
innovative partnership.
Arts, computer science, engineering, medicine
Campus IT Center for Written, Oral and Visual Communication Center for Digital Learning and Scholarship Office of
Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Initiatives (MOOCs) Chao Center for Asian Studies Facilities, Engineering and Planning
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