SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 59
(building renovations) Humanities Research Center individual faculty members and departments
Center for Teaching and Learning, Office of Assessment, Office of Information Technology
Central IT, external/community-based cultural organizations, other academic/research libraries
CIO, provost, chancellor, Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning, digital humanists, researchers
Disciplinary faculty, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering
Division of Information Technology, Office of Research, Graduate School, Future of Information Alliance, Vice-Provost for
Each of the academic colleges, Information Technology Services, Undergraduate Education, World Campus, Vice
President for Research
Faculty, Information Technology Services, schools &college, Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, UCITE [University
Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education], think[box].
Faculty, Library of Congress NDSA, OCLC, Sloan Foundation
Faculty, students, researchers Academic computing/Academic technologies/Center for Teaching excellence research
centers and institutes GSLIS faculty and students Office of Research NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing
Applications) Office of Undergraduate Research
Graduate School of Arts &Sciences, Office of the Executive Vice President for Research, University Writing Program,
School of Engineering &Applied Sciences, many individual faculty members with whom we partner on grants and other
Information Services &Technology, university administrators, faculty, and students
Information Technology Services, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT)
Information Technology, registrar, schools and colleges
Institutional Research, University Research Council
Instructional technology support units within academic computing as a whole
Not sure.
Office of Institutional Technology, Office of Institutional Research, Center for Faculty Teaching &Development, Office of
the Provost
Office of Research and Engagement, Office of Information Technology, Teaching and Learning Center, Student Success
Center and other academic support providers, Classroom Upgrade Committee
Office of Research, Central Computing, other universities
Office of Research, individual faculty and research teams, student government and individual student entrepreneurs
Other UC campuses and the California Digital Library, Office of Information Technology, Office of Research, deans at
various schools.
Our partners will be a variety of internal and external offices, other government agencies, and cultural institutions.
Our user community (researchers, students, staff, etc.) are important partners in innovation.
(building renovations) Humanities Research Center individual faculty members and departments
Center for Teaching and Learning, Office of Assessment, Office of Information Technology
Central IT, external/community-based cultural organizations, other academic/research libraries
CIO, provost, chancellor, Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning, digital humanists, researchers
Disciplinary faculty, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering
Division of Information Technology, Office of Research, Graduate School, Future of Information Alliance, Vice-Provost for
Each of the academic colleges, Information Technology Services, Undergraduate Education, World Campus, Vice
President for Research
Faculty, Information Technology Services, schools &college, Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, UCITE [University
Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education], think[box].
Faculty, Library of Congress NDSA, OCLC, Sloan Foundation
Faculty, students, researchers Academic computing/Academic technologies/Center for Teaching excellence research
centers and institutes GSLIS faculty and students Office of Research NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing
Applications) Office of Undergraduate Research
Graduate School of Arts &Sciences, Office of the Executive Vice President for Research, University Writing Program,
School of Engineering &Applied Sciences, many individual faculty members with whom we partner on grants and other
Information Services &Technology, university administrators, faculty, and students
Information Technology Services, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT)
Information Technology, registrar, schools and colleges
Institutional Research, University Research Council
Instructional technology support units within academic computing as a whole
Not sure.
Office of Institutional Technology, Office of Institutional Research, Center for Faculty Teaching &Development, Office of
the Provost
Office of Research and Engagement, Office of Information Technology, Teaching and Learning Center, Student Success
Center and other academic support providers, Classroom Upgrade Committee
Office of Research, Central Computing, other universities
Office of Research, individual faculty and research teams, student government and individual student entrepreneurs
Other UC campuses and the California Digital Library, Office of Information Technology, Office of Research, deans at
various schools.
Our partners will be a variety of internal and external offices, other government agencies, and cultural institutions.
Our user community (researchers, students, staff, etc.) are important partners in innovation.