SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 57
Innovation is critically important for the long term. Library must be able to collaborate with faculty to develop innovative
approaches to information discovery and management.
Innovation is playing a major role in how CUL/IS redefines itself as “the new research library,” combining traditional
library functions with innovative academic and research technology activities to support the research, teaching, and
learning missions of the university.
Innovation will be a vital ongoing activity, expected of librarians and units.
Innovation will be crucial to our library now and in the future. We will roll out new services to meet the needs of 21st
century students and faculty.
Innovation will be key to both the near-term strategic directions and future directions as we expand into new service
areas such as digital curation and digital preservation. We also envisage new ways of partnering with faculty to
accomplish their research goals, including cost recovery for data stewardship services and custom interfaces for
managing their research data. We are also working on a shared analysis of collections at all three institutions, which has
not been done in Ontario, to the best of my knowledge.
Innovation will continue to be a vital element in the development of services that anticipate evolving user needs. It is
also a critical component in the transformation of access, discovery, and content preservation.
Innovation will continue to be an important area of focus for our library as we seek to be responsive to our users.
Innovation also presents an opportunity for our library to create fee-based services that help support operational
Innovation will continue to have a major role.
Innovation will have a major role in the coming year as positions are recast to serve more data-driven and outcomes-
based needs in our larger university community.
Innovation will play a large role in the agency’s new strategic plan. The Innovation Office will lead projects to support
online access of our records and projects throughout the agency.
Innovation will play a major role in establishing Freedman Center 2.0 to become the campus hub that works with
partners to understand and support the research process and to expedite the research process so scholars can generate
and share their research optimally.
It is probably the most important thing we can do. It will improve our core services (continuous innovation), as well as
launch new products and services (discontinuous innovation).
It will be pervasive throughout both our services and our internal operations. We are building spaces and resources to
encourage innovative thinking among our users (i.e., maker spaces/new technologies/learning and research commons).
It will play a key role in future planning. Particularly in regards to library services and spaces to support problem-based
learning environments, and access to electronic collections. However, we have not discussed, as an organization,
specific R&D efforts and how they will be assessed. We are in the very early stages of discussions and exploration of
R&D and innovation efforts.
It will play an increasing role, as we will necessarily need new methods to meet our strategic goals as the landscape of
scholarly communication and library services continues to shift.
It will remain a value in our planning documents and be recognized through the Shapiro Award and in individual
performance appraisals.
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