60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Past partnerships have included academic units on campus, campus IT, computer science, and undergraduate education
offices. Those will likely obtain in future. We also have a number of partnerships with other institutions on innovative
efforts, largely grant funded or through consortial efforts (e.g., Committee on Institutional Cooperation, CIC).
Planning &Design, Institutional Research &Effectiveness, IT, Research Office, Grad School, Provost’s Office
Researcher in humanities
Researchers, both faculty &student, campus technology partners, campus service departments, VP research office
School of Business, Computer Services, Computing Sciences Department, and individual faculty in various disciplines
The library is open to and actively pursues partnerships with entities across campus. We will continue to forge these
partnerships as we expand innovations in library programming and services.
The schools of the university
There will be much more collaboration with teaching faculty. For example, the library is currently collaborating with
faculty in the Classics Department and the School of Communication and Information to provide online access to a
unique collection of Roman Republican Coins.
University computing, university media lab/language services, student government
University IT department Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Office of the University Counsel Office of
Research Services various academic faculties
University IT services, APTrust partners, Hydra partners, Fedora 4 partners, VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia consortium),
university schools. Collaborating within and outside of UVa is a major strategy.
University museum, university press, university college, other colleges, student services
We have over 25 partners from our campus. Some of the core partners in terms of R&D and Innovation are Campus IT,
Provost’s Office, Grad School, Student Affairs, and Office of Research. We also have external services in our buildings
like the Writing Center, a Communications Lab, and other academic support units.
35. If it is not already, will R&D be a line item in your budget in the future? N=35
Yes 9 26%
No 26 74%
Comments N=16
Already exists for practical purposes, although not identified as R&D per-se.
Don’t know.
Funds are available as needed.
I believe we will attempt to increasingly consolidate some library R&D in various institutions or cooperatives so that each
of us is not separately doing the same repetitive R&D and that we collaboratively approach R&D opportunities. So R&D
is likely to become an identifiable cost item. As examples, the R&D efforts to create ArchivesSpace or HathiTrust.
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