13 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 295 — 2018 Figure 5 Mindful of the discrepancy between US and Canadians in this cohort, it makes sense to compare ARL library directors in both countries. Here we find that having isolated US directors, fully 45% of US directors were aged 65+ in 2015, compared to just 14% of their Canadian counterparts. Remembering that only 11% of the rest of the US ARL population was in the 65+ age cohort, we can say with certainty that as a group US ARL directors have recently and decisively changed their behavior as regards retirement. We know that the 65+ cohort of ARL directors is not seeing an influx of new people taking the place of retirees because the ARL Salary Survey collects data on each person’s years of experience in their current library. With nearly half of the US director population in a single age cohort (65+), it is worth examining that cohort more closely. I have noted above that while the ARL population in 2015 had an unusually high percentage in the 65+ age cohort, the number of individuals aged 70 and over was at most 1.5%. This proves not to be the case for US ARL directors, 14% of whom were aged 70 and over in 2015.