RLI 286 9 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2015 UNCG Climate Measures with Highest Scores The following is a list of the 10 climate measures that the survey results showed as the University Libraries’ “Strong Areas.” The percentages reflect the number of employees who positively responded to the questions in each scale. “I agree, University Libraries has a climate for…” UNCG Average of all ClimateQUAL Libraries as of 2011 the extent to which the library supports diversity related to sexual orientation. (Climate for Sexual Orientation) 97% 92% the extent to which the library supports diversity related to race. (Climate for Race) 96% 90% the extent to which the library supports diversity of gender. (Climate for Gender) 90% 89% the degree to which equality between minorities and majorities is valued the extent to which the library values diversity and diversity related initiatives. (Climate for Valuing Diversity) 89% 78% valuing the usefulness and importance of teamwork. (Climate for Benefits of Teamwork) 88% 82% the degree to which employees perceive their work is important. (Climate for Task Engagement) 86% 87% the degree to which employees of authentic transformational leaders report these leaders as being highly transparent—that is, that the transformational leader is consistent in the actions, and that the leader truly believes what he/she claims he/she believes. (Climate for Authentic Transformational Leadership) 85% 72% the degree to which employees perceive the quality of their relationship with their immediate supervisors. (Climate for Leader-Member Relationship Quality) 84% 79% the degree to which new ideas are encouraged, accepted, and rewarded among co-workers. (Climate for Innovation) 83% 80% the degree to which one perceives there is fairness and respectfulness between employees and supervisors. (Climate for Interpersonal Justice) 82% 81% These results seem to indicate a healthy organizational environment with regard to most diversity issues and this was generally supported by the comments. However, areas of concern did exist, as the next section illustrates, so measures were sorted and compared to all ClimateQUAL libraries in order to help the libraries focus on the areas in greatest need of attention.