RLI 286 7 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2015 As this article is being written, NLM is actively recruiting recent library science graduates to fill over a dozen open positions across Library Operations and other NLM offices. In the context of that recruitment, NLM is seeing the benefits of being able to use the existing relationships with the ALA Office of Diversity to reach the Spectrum Scholars, and with ARL, to reach not only the ARL CEP Fellows, but all of the recent graduates who are or were participants in ARL diversity programs. It is exciting to see the work of many years’ duration in supporting and mentoring these students pay off in this current recruitment. Of the over 200 applicants to the positions, many listed participation in some type of diversity program, either through ALA, ARL, or through the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Internship Program held at the Library of Congress. The next steps for NLM are to continue to support the talent pipeline through partnerships, seeking to be part of programs that offer systematic and multi-pronged support for students. And the step after that will be to mentor and support its diverse staff in developing medical information products and services that meet the needs of the changing United States population. Copyright notice: The authors’ contribution to this work was done as part of the authors’ official duties as National Institutes of Health employees and is a work of the United States Government. Therefore, copyright may not be established in the United States. To cite this article: Kathel Dunn and Joyce E. B. Backus. “Pipelines and Partnerships in Diversity at the National Library of Medicine.” Research Library Issues: A Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, no. 286 (2015): 3–7. http://publications.arl.org/rli286/3.