RLI 286 10 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2015 UNCG Climate Measures with Lowest Scores The following is a list of the 10 climate measures that the UNCG survey results showed as the lowest scores. “I agree, University Libraries has a climate for… “ UNCG Average of all ClimateQUAL Libraries as of 2011 the extent to which rewards received adequately reflect level of effort and work (Climate for Justice—Distributive Justice) 30% 29% the organization’s structure and policies facilitate and encourage teamwork (Climate for Teamwork—Structural Facilitation of Teamwork) 51% 48% fairness of procedures used to determine rewards performance evaluations, etc. (Climate for Justice—Procedural Justice) 59% 47% the extent to which an individual feels they can contribute to their team (Climate for Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace) 63% 60% the degree to which employees exhibit satisfaction with their work (Climate for Job Satisfaction) 68% 93% the degree to which an organization or teams therein encourage employees to freely share opinions with each other and with management (Climate for Psychological Safety) 70% 67% the degree to which you feel you have access to the information you need (Climate for Justice—Informational Justice) 70% 62% the extent to which an individual employee is dedicated to staying with, and feels positively about, this organization (Climate for Organizational Commitment) 71% 66% the consistency of application of procedures across subgroups (Climate for Deep Diversity—Standardization of Procedures across Groups) 73% 68% continual learning that has policies, practices, and procedures that emphasize continued employee education (Climate for Continual Learning) 73% 68% Improvement Themes The UNCG ClimateQUAL team first shared these results at a University Libraries All Personnel Meeting. Later, the team held smaller information sessions in which individuals could ask questions and discuss perceptions of the results. From those sessions, the team decided to focus on three areas that were the most significant concerns of the staff: