• Fund Raising • Exhibit and Event Planning, and • Leadership The ten elements of the Position Description Framework articulate ten key roles for liaisons. Each element poses different challenges for redefinition. Some are relatively well understood and involve broadening the role to a wider range of staff. For others there are internal or external models that can be applied. Other roles represent virgin territory where the organization must grapple with how to move into the terrain. Implementing the Framework has required somewhat different strategies for different areas. Some elements focus on improving individual skills while others call on staff to work collaboratively with colleagues, faculty, and other campus professionals in new ways. Lest this seem overwhelming, note that not all of the roles require the same amount of time to fulfill. Two key liaison activities in fund raising, for example, are generating funding ideas for use by the development officer and the grant writer (who are not librarians) and spending time with potential and key donors. These are important, but not time consuming, activities. As we develop a framework for new roles, we must be aware that even our more traditional roles are undergoing significant changes. The University of Minnesota has developed seven undergraduate student learning outcomes (SLOs) for all undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. While all seven could be library related, the second, “can locate and critically evaluate information,” clearly calls for our involvement. To reach our approximately 32,000 undergraduates, we need models that scale. The one- shot invited lecture, a staple in most librarians’ instructional toolkits, does not. We are challenged to engage with faculty (who are participating in the required course mapping for learning outcomes) in designing integrated learning experiences for students that will help them develop their skills over the course of their undergraduate careers. This partnership role is one very different from that of invited guest lecturer. Support for Change The Framework clarified and created a shared understanding of new roles, but developing the needed capabilities is a different challenge. The addition of RLI 265 5 A Framework for Articulating New Library Roles ( C O N T I N U E D ) AUGUST 2009 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A BIMONTHLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC