recruited to help define the library’s strategy to support our faculty and researchers who receive grants with new public access mandates. This resulted in a UBC Library/Office of Research Services collaboration to devise both short-term and long-term strategies and methods for creating linkages between the Library’s institutional repository and the UBC’s Office of Research Services systems. The links will enable UBC researchers to easily deposit their CIHR and NIH grant-funded publications into an open access repository within the workflow of the Research Office’s grant funding management system. These cross-campus partners agreed to continue to act in an advisory capacity for these developments and future developments in a more formalized campus advisory body. It became clear to the Working Group that ongoing education strategies are needed to inform UBC researchers of their public access compliance obligations. It was felt that the Library was best positioned to develop a consistent training template that cross-campus partners could collectively use for campus-wide education and that librarians should be involved in this process and work on this is progressing in Fall 2009. Although this collaboration is still in its early stages, the Library is already realizing significant marketing benefits from this cross-departmental collaboration. We are getting new visibility and exposure from University Administrative offices. The Research Office and cross-departmental grant managers are promoting our work to others. Grant managers, with new awareness of the value of the Library’s expertise, are actively encouraging the researchers they work with to contact our liaison librarians to help strengthen the research component of their grant application. Liaison librarians are partnering with grant managers as plans are developing to offer workshops targeted at researchers to improve grant writing. Also conversations with grant managers have led to plans to include a segment on author rights and managing copyright transfer agreements in upcoming grant writing workshops that will be taught by librarians in partnership with our Health Research Resources Office. Other Engagement with Campus Stakeholders While members of the project team established fruitful connection and partnership with the UBC Press and UBC editors, to date this work does not yet include liaison librarians to any great extent. However as our work with both RLI 265 26 Scholarly Communications: Planning for the Integration of Liaison Librarian Roles ( C O N T I N U E D ) AUGUST 2009 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A BIMONTHLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC