SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 43
Library Assessment Conference, Code4Lib, Open Repository Conference
New Media Consortium (NMC) Contests and Award, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Cyber Zed
Shed events, Open Repositories Developer Challenge, THATCamp
Recent conferences attended: the Hydra Partners Meeting in Boston and the NISO Virtual Conference on how libraries
are implementing emerging technologies. There is also the Data Information Literacy Symposium at Purdue University.
SAA, MAC, ACRL, LITA, ALA, and others
Society for College and University Planners, ACRL, ALA, SXSW interactive
SPARC and its sponsored activities and events and the efforts behind the COPE (http://www.oacompact.org/) initiative
contributed inspiration to this effort.
The Entrepreneurial Library Program plans annual retreats to encourage innovation, as well as works on individual staff
plans to encourage innovation.
17. In what ways does your library recognize and reward innovation? Check all that apply. N=44
In the merit/periodic performance review process 36 82%
Press releases to local, institutional, national audiences 27 61%
Award or other recognition/citation 19 43%
N/A or none 1 2%
Other method, please briefly describe 14 32%
Acknowledgement through library wide communications
Announcements of new services that go out to faculty and students—not really press releases, but campus-wide
Consideration is given during our annual merit salary review and promotion processes.
Encouragement by department heads and library administration
Identify and nominate for external awards.
Internal library newsletter
Opportunities for internal professional development, conference publications/posters, publications in library journals
Promotion and advancement
Providing budget support for innovative ideas and projects. Some innovations and recognition of individual innovators
are also mentioned in the annual library report to the provost and deans.
Recognition events hosted by dean or provost and other upper level administration.
Shapiro Library Staff Innovation Award, annual nomination process
The award isn’t for library staff, but for faculty that apply for a Freedman Fellows Award. This annual award is given to
full-time faculty whose current scholarly research projects involve some corpus of data that is of scholarly or instructional
interest (e.g., data sets, digital texts, digital images, databases), involve the use of digital tools and processes, and have
clearly articulated project outcomes.
Library Assessment Conference, Code4Lib, Open Repository Conference
New Media Consortium (NMC) Contests and Award, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Cyber Zed
Shed events, Open Repositories Developer Challenge, THATCamp
Recent conferences attended: the Hydra Partners Meeting in Boston and the NISO Virtual Conference on how libraries
are implementing emerging technologies. There is also the Data Information Literacy Symposium at Purdue University.
SAA, MAC, ACRL, LITA, ALA, and others
Society for College and University Planners, ACRL, ALA, SXSW interactive
SPARC and its sponsored activities and events and the efforts behind the COPE (http://www.oacompact.org/) initiative
contributed inspiration to this effort.
The Entrepreneurial Library Program plans annual retreats to encourage innovation, as well as works on individual staff
plans to encourage innovation.
17. In what ways does your library recognize and reward innovation? Check all that apply. N=44
In the merit/periodic performance review process 36 82%
Press releases to local, institutional, national audiences 27 61%
Award or other recognition/citation 19 43%
N/A or none 1 2%
Other method, please briefly describe 14 32%
Acknowledgement through library wide communications
Announcements of new services that go out to faculty and students—not really press releases, but campus-wide
Consideration is given during our annual merit salary review and promotion processes.
Encouragement by department heads and library administration
Identify and nominate for external awards.
Internal library newsletter
Opportunities for internal professional development, conference publications/posters, publications in library journals
Promotion and advancement
Providing budget support for innovative ideas and projects. Some innovations and recognition of individual innovators
are also mentioned in the annual library report to the provost and deans.
Recognition events hosted by dean or provost and other upper level administration.
Shapiro Library Staff Innovation Award, annual nomination process
The award isn’t for library staff, but for faculty that apply for a Freedman Fellows Award. This annual award is given to
full-time faculty whose current scholarly research projects involve some corpus of data that is of scholarly or instructional
interest (e.g., data sets, digital texts, digital images, databases), involve the use of digital tools and processes, and have
clearly articulated project outcomes.