SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 41
GIS (Geographic Information Service) Research and Development
IT, AV, Media, Visualization
Knowledge of campus and community status and beliefs. Ability to negotiate and collaborate with many different
Knowledge of scholarly communications, other institutional initiatives that were similar, and persuasive proposal writing
(similar to grant proposal preparation, but ad hoc in this instance).
Open Source Project management
Political skills were absolutely essential in getting the right parties outside the libraries to agree to support the specific
innovation project.
Skill and knowledge in handling large media files (GT 10 GB), including transcoding, efficient network transfer, ingest
into the repository, and video play/view technologies. Skill and knowledge in digital preserving media files.
Space assessment/design and user research skills
Subject expertise in copyright
Subject knowledge, language expertise, metadata expertise
Technical skills, interpersonal/collaboration skills
The importance of expertise in facilities management cannot be overstated, for fundamental details such as patron
needs for wiring and furniture. Also needed: programming skills to create a novel space reservation system, knowledge
of instructional technology trends, and soft skills in team building.
These skills and many others are necessary, but not to make a specific project work. They are necessary to teach and
guide our faculty.
15. How did/will library staff gain these skills/knowledge? Check all that apply. N=44
On-the-job experience 44 100%
Self-study 37 84%
In-person workshops/courses offered by external organizations 22 50%
Online workshops/courses 17 39%
In-person workshops/courses offered by the library 11 25%
Other method, please briefly describe 15 34%
Active on-the-job mentoring between senior and junior staff
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT)
Consultants familiar with software
Consultation with experts on campus in intellectual property and technology management. Through collaboration with
faculty in the colleges, and with IT and educational technologies professionals, etc.
Following (reading) the literature on open educational resources.
Hired new people with the necessary skills.
GIS (Geographic Information Service) Research and Development
IT, AV, Media, Visualization
Knowledge of campus and community status and beliefs. Ability to negotiate and collaborate with many different
Knowledge of scholarly communications, other institutional initiatives that were similar, and persuasive proposal writing
(similar to grant proposal preparation, but ad hoc in this instance).
Open Source Project management
Political skills were absolutely essential in getting the right parties outside the libraries to agree to support the specific
innovation project.
Skill and knowledge in handling large media files (GT 10 GB), including transcoding, efficient network transfer, ingest
into the repository, and video play/view technologies. Skill and knowledge in digital preserving media files.
Space assessment/design and user research skills
Subject expertise in copyright
Subject knowledge, language expertise, metadata expertise
Technical skills, interpersonal/collaboration skills
The importance of expertise in facilities management cannot be overstated, for fundamental details such as patron
needs for wiring and furniture. Also needed: programming skills to create a novel space reservation system, knowledge
of instructional technology trends, and soft skills in team building.
These skills and many others are necessary, but not to make a specific project work. They are necessary to teach and
guide our faculty.
15. How did/will library staff gain these skills/knowledge? Check all that apply. N=44
On-the-job experience 44 100%
Self-study 37 84%
In-person workshops/courses offered by external organizations 22 50%
Online workshops/courses 17 39%
In-person workshops/courses offered by the library 11 25%
Other method, please briefly describe 15 34%
Active on-the-job mentoring between senior and junior staff
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT)
Consultants familiar with software
Consultation with experts on campus in intellectual property and technology management. Through collaboration with
faculty in the colleges, and with IT and educational technologies professionals, etc.
Following (reading) the literature on open educational resources.
Hired new people with the necessary skills.