SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 45
The effectiveness of the Analytic and the Video Mosaic website is being assessed in a follow-up grant. The Video
Mosaic website collection has the highest average number of downloads per object in RUcore (in which there are some
300 collections).
We have assessed as a pilot but we also plan to do more assessment in the future via focus groups and interviews.
We require faculty who are awarded library grants supporting their alternate textbooks to complete an evaluation
report at the end of their project. The AUL then summarizes the findings in a report to the university’s “Teaching,
Learning, Technology Roundtable.” We have made changes in the subsequent iterations of the program based on these
Achieving project goals and acquiring new members/partners will indicate the success of this project.
19. The extent of change due to innovation can be incremental (uses existing knowledge to create
minor improvements) or radical (uses new knowledge to make fundamental changes). How would
you characterize the extent of change of this example of innovation? N=44
Incremental 8 18%
Radical 9 21%
Somewhere in between 27 61%
Comments N=15
Change in the courses affected was radical the alteration in the cost and delivery of learning materials was complete
and not introduced in an incremental way (for those courses and textbooks). But on a global scale, looking at the entire
university course catalog, the change is incremental in that only a slight percentage of courses have been moved in any
given year from expensive commercial textbooks to free alternate textbooks.
For the 2 West post-occupancy study, we noted a 92% increase in space utilization after renovation.
Had two empty floors to fill innovatively, made other modifications.
I would characterize the improvements as radical, but the scale itself for adoption of incremental in that funding for
author OA fees is limited to $25k per year which does not cover all potential author OA journal article submissions.
I would say a mix of incremental and radical (vs. “somewhere in between” but I couldn’t choose that). As noted, some
of these components built on previous components (e.g., affinity string work). The coursepage and coursepack projects
were more radical than incremental.
In some sense, the Transcription Pilot Project could be considered incremental (it was designed with other institutions’
online transcription projects in mind), but for some at the agency, it was considered radical (the agency had never done
transcription with the public or online).
In the end, the impact was more on public relations and knowledge of our collections than productivity.
Large scale visualization is not a new technology but we added new dimensions: 1) Open access to everybody in the
university community 2) Cloud services to make it usable and useful 3) Programmatic engagement with researchers
and corporate partners.
Long term will have radical change to our spaces but near time had more incremental impact.
The effectiveness of the Analytic and the Video Mosaic website is being assessed in a follow-up grant. The Video
Mosaic website collection has the highest average number of downloads per object in RUcore (in which there are some
300 collections).
We have assessed as a pilot but we also plan to do more assessment in the future via focus groups and interviews.
We require faculty who are awarded library grants supporting their alternate textbooks to complete an evaluation
report at the end of their project. The AUL then summarizes the findings in a report to the university’s “Teaching,
Learning, Technology Roundtable.” We have made changes in the subsequent iterations of the program based on these
Achieving project goals and acquiring new members/partners will indicate the success of this project.
19. The extent of change due to innovation can be incremental (uses existing knowledge to create
minor improvements) or radical (uses new knowledge to make fundamental changes). How would
you characterize the extent of change of this example of innovation? N=44
Incremental 8 18%
Radical 9 21%
Somewhere in between 27 61%
Comments N=15
Change in the courses affected was radical the alteration in the cost and delivery of learning materials was complete
and not introduced in an incremental way (for those courses and textbooks). But on a global scale, looking at the entire
university course catalog, the change is incremental in that only a slight percentage of courses have been moved in any
given year from expensive commercial textbooks to free alternate textbooks.
For the 2 West post-occupancy study, we noted a 92% increase in space utilization after renovation.
Had two empty floors to fill innovatively, made other modifications.
I would characterize the improvements as radical, but the scale itself for adoption of incremental in that funding for
author OA fees is limited to $25k per year which does not cover all potential author OA journal article submissions.
I would say a mix of incremental and radical (vs. “somewhere in between” but I couldn’t choose that). As noted, some
of these components built on previous components (e.g., affinity string work). The coursepage and coursepack projects
were more radical than incremental.
In some sense, the Transcription Pilot Project could be considered incremental (it was designed with other institutions’
online transcription projects in mind), but for some at the agency, it was considered radical (the agency had never done
transcription with the public or online).
In the end, the impact was more on public relations and knowledge of our collections than productivity.
Large scale visualization is not a new technology but we added new dimensions: 1) Open access to everybody in the
university community 2) Cloud services to make it usable and useful 3) Programmatic engagement with researchers
and corporate partners.
Long term will have radical change to our spaces but near time had more incremental impact.