55 ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2014–2015
14 The Library formerly gave bibliographic tours, but as times have changed the Library has made a
dramatic shift. We all teach in the classroom. The decline reflects the difference between lead-the-
herd tours and active classroom instruction. Fewer sessions, fewer participants, but much better
Library branches included: Law Library (http://library.law.umn.edu/).
2 Decrease from last FY is due to deduplication and exclusion of electronic serials starting FY 2014–
6 Increase from last FY due to a significant increase in one-time resource purchases and facilities
improvement projects.
8.b Law Library had an open support staff position for a few months. Also, a position that was formerly
classified as support was moved to professional part way through the year.
9 Facilities improvement projects.
13.b An open support staff position was filled.
Library branches included: Law Library.
7.a Due to budget considerations, purchases of monographs were suspended midway through the year.
7.b Costs, serials and electronic resources increase on average about 10 percent.
8.b We created a new circulation supervisor position.
8.c The number of student assistant hours was reduced as a result of creating a new circulation supervisor
9 This figure changed as a result of realigning costs of technology from the library to a new law college
IT department.
10 Benefits include FICA, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, and Retirement Contributions.
13 Midway through the year the library lost two full-time positions through retirement.
13.b The College of Law has moved two Law Library FTE to create a College of Law IT department.
15 Group presentations are generally offered to non-law college classes, either to courses offered at other
local institutions or to undergraduate and graduate courses at the university. This year there have been
fewer requests and their sizes are smaller.
16 Demand for reference assistance remains strong. We also use a new service to keep statistics, which
makes recording reference transactions easier. As a result, the numbers are increased both because
increased demand and increased convenience in recording them.
22 Demand for materials not held by the library has decreased.
Library branches included: UNM Law Library.
Library branches NOT included: UNM HSLICUNM Main Library.
1 Titles held dropped due to implementation of new ILS and conversion of data.
2 This difference is slightly over the boundary established at -4.4%, but I do not have a justification for
the difference.
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