4 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 293 — 2018 research libraries and their institutions, presenting possible strategies to work around them. He outlines three scenarios: organization- to-organization access, home access, and access to small content providers. Although organization-to-organization traffic will likely be less impacted by the reversal, research and education institutions often need to reach users at home, where they are connected via “last- mile” internet service. Lynch states up front that the implications are “speculative,” but he says that the reversal is “not encouraging” in light of past behaviors by these last-mile consumer-oriented internet service providers. Krista Cox’s article begins with the reversal of the 2015 Open Internet Order, outlining the legal and policy options for fighting the reversal, and grounding those options in the implications for research libraries and those who use them. Cox explores existing and potential avenues forward in the federal, state, and municipal arenas, and highlights how Canada addresses net neutrality. Further reference to other countries’ approaches can be found in her endnotes. Her work emphasizes the importance of collective action at all levels of government and through legal challenge though the courts. For ARL, the open internet is critical to producing funda- mental research and achieving dreams. I hope you will find both articles informing and useful as you consider how your library and institution will navigate the issues. Working with and on behalf of our members, the Association of Research Libraries remains committed to net neutrality. For ARL, the open internet is critical to producing fundamental research and achieving dreams. Throttling access will cut off unrealized potential—this seems counterintuitive to the pursuit of knowledge, let alone inconsistent with a democratic society. © 2018 Mary Lee Kennedy