13 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 293 — 2018 restore open internet principles and protections, including through the courts, federal legislation, and state and local action. Although portions of the FCC’s reversal of its 2015 Open Internet Order will go into effect on April 23, 2018, with the remainder of the repeal set to go into effect later this year after final approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), stakeholders on all sides of the net neutrality debate are pursuing multiple paths to overturn or blunt the agency’s actions. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (DC Circuit), which previously upheld the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order, will hear the court case currently captioned as Mozilla et al. v. FCC, with plaintiffs including internet companies, associations, and states’ attorneys general. This case challenges the FCC’s most recent order and could stay the new rules from going into effect until after a decision on the merits. Another avenue that some are pursuing is legislative action to regain partial net neutrality protections through a rewrite of the Communications Act. A number of state governments have acted swiftly, as well, from filing court cases challenging the order, to issuing executive orders requiring ISPs who want state contracts to abide by net neutrality principles, to issuing their own bans against blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization (see “State Action” below for more on this). Activities are also happening at the local level, with calls for greater investment in public, municipal broadband which would not have the same incentives to prioritize some content over others. The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) continues to deeply engage in the net neutrality discussions at the federal level, including through the filing of amicus briefs in the courts and participation in coalitions of amici, parties and intervenors to the case, and in Congress to educate Senators and Representatives about the importance of net neutrality to research libraries and to advocate for strong protection of an open internet. All members of ARL would be affected by the Open Internet Order, particularly in serving researchers who must rely on internet service providers to connect to library resources.