ARL Selects Research Library Leadership Fellows for 2009–10 A RL has selected 21 individuals to participate in the 2009–10 ARL Research Library Leadership Fellows (RLLF) Program. This executive leadership program meets the increasing demands for succession planning for research libraries with a new approach to preparing the next generation of deans and directors. This third offering of the RLLF Program is being designed and sponsored by seven ARL member libraries: Brigham Young University, University of Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Houston, University of Michigan, University of Utah, and University of Western Ontario. The program began with an orientation session May 18–19 in Houston, Texas, prior to the ARL Membership Meeting. The 2009–10 fellows subsequently attended the Membership Meeting, where each fellow was hosted by a current ARL library director. The 2009–10 RLLF applicant pool was highly competitive. The selection committee, composed of the ARL directors sponsoring the program, chose 21 fellows representing a broad array of backgrounds and experiences and from multiple ARL institutions. The 2009–10 fellows are: Rick Anderson, University of Utah Jeffrey Belliston, Brigham Young University Diane Bruxvoort, University of Houston Catherine Davidson, York University Robert Fox, Georgia Tech Robert Gerrity, Boston College Chris Hives, University of British Columbia John Lehner, University of Houston Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University RLI 264 22 JUNE 2009 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A BIMONTHLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC