SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 91
Annual Report FY 2012–2013. Research
MIT Libraries
Annual Report FY 2012-2013
by Micah Altman, Director of Research
The Libraries’ pioneering decision, over a decade ago, to develop a general
research program established its reputation for information science research and
led to the development of tools and approaches used by many memory
institutions and individual researchers. The new Program on Information Science
continues this tradition of applied research in information management,
dissemination, and preservation.
The current Program on Information Science was initiated as part of the Libraries
general research efforts in 2012 with two goals: Firstly, the program aims to
catalyze the MIT community in identifying, adapting, and applying new practices,
standards, research findings, and methodologies from information science in
support of research, education, and practice. Secondly, the program aims to lead
in the development of targeted standards and practices in the field of library and
information science.
The research program has grown its portfolio and is now engaged in several
areas of ongoing research including:
-Open access publishing
The research program is collaborating with Harvard and Stanford on a
“Data Sharing System for Journals,” which aims to develop data-citation
and publication workflows for Open Access publications. This work is
funded by an award from the Sloan Foundation.
-Data management
The research program is collaborating with Harvard University and
Microsoft Research to develop a better understanding of the practical
performance and usability of a variety of algorithms for analyzing and
sharing privacy-sensitive data. The project will develop secure
implementations of these algorithms and legal instruments, which will be
made publicly available and used to enable wider access to privacy-
sensitive data sets. This work is partially funded by the National Science
-Crowd-sourced information
-The program is collaborating with George Mason University on the Public
Mapping Project, which uses crowd-sourced GIS information to stimulate
public participation in electoral mapping and to advance research in
related areas of political science, law, and public administration. This
work has been partially funded by the Sloan Foundation and Tides
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