SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 53
26. If your library has a separate R&D budget line or otherwise tracks the amount that is spent on R&D
activities, please indicate how much is allocated to R&D in a typical fiscal year. N=5
27. If your parent institution provides financial support for library R&D, what is the process for
securing funding? N=16
Competitive process at the institutional level, e.g., submit a grant proposal 11 69%
Special request by the library director to an institutional administrator 10 63%
Included in library annual/periodic budget request 8 50%
Other process, please briefly describe 0 0%
28. Has your library assessed or evaluated the success of R&D projects? N=30
Yes 22 73%
Not yet, but we plan to 7 23%
No, and we have no plans to 1 3%
29. If yes or you plan to, please indicate the assessment method(s). Check all that apply. N=29
Collection and analysis of data on use of the project’s services or products 26 90%
Report submission/review/decision process 18 62%
Interviews with individuals who use the project’s services or products 18 62%
User survey 15 52%
Interviews with focus groups that use the project’s services or products 12 41%
Other assessment method, please briefly describe 5 17%
Assessment is on a project-by-project basis. For example, the OA author’s fund and demand-driven acquisitions
innovations rely on data analysis.
Collaborative assessment with campus entities
Post occupancy observation of facility/furnishings
UX testing
26. If your library has a separate R&D budget line or otherwise tracks the amount that is spent on R&D
activities, please indicate how much is allocated to R&D in a typical fiscal year. N=5
27. If your parent institution provides financial support for library R&D, what is the process for
securing funding? N=16
Competitive process at the institutional level, e.g., submit a grant proposal 11 69%
Special request by the library director to an institutional administrator 10 63%
Included in library annual/periodic budget request 8 50%
Other process, please briefly describe 0 0%
28. Has your library assessed or evaluated the success of R&D projects? N=30
Yes 22 73%
Not yet, but we plan to 7 23%
No, and we have no plans to 1 3%
29. If yes or you plan to, please indicate the assessment method(s). Check all that apply. N=29
Collection and analysis of data on use of the project’s services or products 26 90%
Report submission/review/decision process 18 62%
Interviews with individuals who use the project’s services or products 18 62%
User survey 15 52%
Interviews with focus groups that use the project’s services or products 12 41%
Other assessment method, please briefly describe 5 17%
Assessment is on a project-by-project basis. For example, the OA author’s fund and demand-driven acquisitions
innovations rely on data analysis.
Collaborative assessment with campus entities
Post occupancy observation of facility/furnishings
UX testing