98 · Representative Documents: Strategies to Support Innovation and Research
Supporting the Cycle of Knowledge. Strategic Priorities for the University Libraries (excerpts)
Methods of scholarship have changed in the context of greater interdisciplinarity, collaboration beyond institutional borders,
and exploitation of technology. The Libraries are challenged to support emergent methodologies, working collaboratively
with campus and institutional partners. With the rise of new models for creating, sharing, and managing scholarly materials
comes increasing demand for support of both the processes and products of scholarship. The Libraries support the evolution
of these processes and play a lead role in educating the campus about issues of copyright and publishing policy.
The Libraries’ classic methods of providing information access through local catalogs and systems have undergone
fundamental changes in the context of new models of distributing and accessing content. At the same time, the
changing expectations for delivery among students and faculty have been profoundly influenced by prominent players
such as Google, Amazon, and WorldCat. This has led the Libraries to recalibrate its critical and useful role in scholarly
inquiry in the context of global information networks.
2 Access: Enabling Robust Information Discovery and Delivery
Systematically integrate University
of Minnesota Libraries’ content
and collections into global network
discovery services, while “opening
the door” of our local systems to the
world’s information network.
Implement identity management
strategies that enable users to
navigate seamlessly between campus
and external services.
Enhance information discovery
systems so they can be tailored to
support discipline-specific research
Streamline the path between the
search for information (electronic
and print) and its delivery.
Provide low-barrier connections
between content systems and tools
that support personal information
management and analysis.
Research and Scholarship: Enhancing Individual Productivity and Community Discourse
Extend research consultation
services to help researchers manage,
preserve, and share publications
and research assets and data.
Leverage Libraries’ existing
technology, expertise, and
partnerships to develop digital
content management and
publishing solutions.
Advocate for author publishing
choices that align with academic
values by expanding educational
programs on copyright, authors’
rights, and scholarly publishing.
Assist individuals and academic
units in assessing impact and
visibility of research and scholarship.
Leverage successful programs like
the UMN-developed AgEcon Search
and EthicShare to advance models
of discipline-focused repositories
and online communities and services
within the academy.
The Libraries will enhance
online information discovery
and delivery by providing
services that are portable
and personalized, open
to the world’s information
network, and integrated
into the teaching, learning,
and research environments
of our users.
The Libraries will play
an instrumental role
in sparking discovery,
creativity, and innovation
by advancing research and
scholarship processes that
allow for the unfettered
flow of knowledge creation
and sharing.
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