SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 85
University Library Strategic Plan: 2011–2016
University Library Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (11-18-11) Page 2 |2
3. A digital repository and publishing infrastructure that ensures global awareness and access to
Iowa State research, provides creative solutions for open access mandates from granting
agencies, and offers an effective publishing tool for campus journal editors and campus
4. An array of research support tools that provide and promote individual and institutional
awareness of research success and creative impact.
III. University Priority: Outreach and Extension
Library Strategic Initiatives
Iowa and global community members will:
1. Discover and use high-impact Iowa State research through the Internet via the e-Library’s
digital repository.
2. Benefit from library partnerships that build shared print and electronic repositories that
ensure open access to the national research journal collection and support collective
efficiencies as to physical space and collection management.
3. Discover and access unique and nationally important research materials held and preserved by
the ISU Library.
4. Enjoy welcoming access to a research library environment that may serve as an intellectual
and cultural center for their efficient research and personal success.
IV. University Priority: Community of Faculty and Staff
Library Strategic Initiatives
The university community of faculty and staff will:
1. Be assured that the library’s broad research collections, mobile discovery tools, innovative
programs and services impress prospective candidates in their recruitment, and support
retention of an outstanding faculty and staff.
2. Enjoy productive gatherings or solitary work in a technologically advanced and safe library
environment that serves as their intellectual, cultural and social center for efficient academic
work and personal success.
3. Benefit from strong and innovative external library partnerships, including the Ames Public
Library, the Regents Libraries, and the State Library of Iowa, as we collectively offer an
extensive range of library resources and services that ensures vibrant community success and
University Library Strategic Plan: 2011–2016
University Library Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (11-18-11) Page 2 |2
3. A digital repository and publishing infrastructure that ensures global awareness and access to
Iowa State research, provides creative solutions for open access mandates from granting
agencies, and offers an effective publishing tool for campus journal editors and campus
4. An array of research support tools that provide and promote individual and institutional
awareness of research success and creative impact.
III. University Priority: Outreach and Extension
Library Strategic Initiatives
Iowa and global community members will:
1. Discover and use high-impact Iowa State research through the Internet via the e-Library’s
digital repository.
2. Benefit from library partnerships that build shared print and electronic repositories that
ensure open access to the national research journal collection and support collective
efficiencies as to physical space and collection management.
3. Discover and access unique and nationally important research materials held and preserved by
the ISU Library.
4. Enjoy welcoming access to a research library environment that may serve as an intellectual
and cultural center for their efficient research and personal success.
IV. University Priority: Community of Faculty and Staff
Library Strategic Initiatives
The university community of faculty and staff will:
1. Be assured that the library’s broad research collections, mobile discovery tools, innovative
programs and services impress prospective candidates in their recruitment, and support
retention of an outstanding faculty and staff.
2. Enjoy productive gatherings or solitary work in a technologically advanced and safe library
environment that serves as their intellectual, cultural and social center for efficient academic
work and personal success.
3. Benefit from strong and innovative external library partnerships, including the Ames Public
Library, the Regents Libraries, and the State Library of Iowa, as we collectively offer an
extensive range of library resources and services that ensures vibrant community success and