50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We have several R&D research activities. The two I will highlight are “hubs” that we’ve developed to serve as R&D think
tanks. We have one for Learning and one for eResearch. There are others but these two are more well formed. This
effort ranges from theoretical exploration to prototyping to developing entirely new products or services.
We recently undertook a study of patron use of one of our library facilities. The study involved the periodic observation
of library spaces and taking notes on patron activity.
Website and discovery system integration and redesign, refurnishing areas following observation and measurements of
user behavior and preferences
Working with students to redesign interior spaces, partnering with students in developing mobile applications as part of
a student project, working with faculty to pilot a new research data management platform.
22. Does your library have a separate unit that is devoted to such exploratory, research &development
projects? N=31
Yes 9 29%
No 22 71%
23. If your library has a separate R&D unit, please identify the unit, indicate the number of staff, and
the position to which the unit reports. N=8
Unit name: Full-time
Unit reports to:
Applied Research 5 Chief Information Officer
Digital Library Initiatives 10 1 Associate Director for the Digital Library
Digital Research and Curation Center 7 Associate Dean for Research Data Management
Emerging Technologies and Service
2 Head of Reference
Office of Research and Technology 1 University Librarian
Program on Information Science 1 2 University Librarian
Scholar’s Lab 9 4 student
Director, Digital Research and Scholarship who reports to
Deputy University Librarian
User Experience (UX) Office 1 2 AUL for Access Services and Information Technology
24. If your library does not have a separate R&D unit, please briefly describe the staff and structure for
R&D activities. N=22
Administration encourages staff throughout the library to work with their supervisors to improve services and resources
as much as possible. R&D activities are conducted within departments and branches.
Almost always dedicated project teams, with expertise drawn from multiple relevant sectors.
Associate Dean of Libraries, Director of Scholarly Communications, Library Digital Services personnel
Every manager is encouraged to include innovative opportunities in annual goals of staff.
In the case of MetriDoc, IT, subject experts, and business analysts collaborate.
We have several R&D research activities. The two I will highlight are “hubs” that we’ve developed to serve as R&D think
tanks. We have one for Learning and one for eResearch. There are others but these two are more well formed. This
effort ranges from theoretical exploration to prototyping to developing entirely new products or services.
We recently undertook a study of patron use of one of our library facilities. The study involved the periodic observation
of library spaces and taking notes on patron activity.
Website and discovery system integration and redesign, refurnishing areas following observation and measurements of
user behavior and preferences
Working with students to redesign interior spaces, partnering with students in developing mobile applications as part of
a student project, working with faculty to pilot a new research data management platform.
22. Does your library have a separate unit that is devoted to such exploratory, research &development
projects? N=31
Yes 9 29%
No 22 71%
23. If your library has a separate R&D unit, please identify the unit, indicate the number of staff, and
the position to which the unit reports. N=8
Unit name: Full-time
Unit reports to:
Applied Research 5 Chief Information Officer
Digital Library Initiatives 10 1 Associate Director for the Digital Library
Digital Research and Curation Center 7 Associate Dean for Research Data Management
Emerging Technologies and Service
2 Head of Reference
Office of Research and Technology 1 University Librarian
Program on Information Science 1 2 University Librarian
Scholar’s Lab 9 4 student
Director, Digital Research and Scholarship who reports to
Deputy University Librarian
User Experience (UX) Office 1 2 AUL for Access Services and Information Technology
24. If your library does not have a separate R&D unit, please briefly describe the staff and structure for
R&D activities. N=22
Administration encourages staff throughout the library to work with their supervisors to improve services and resources
as much as possible. R&D activities are conducted within departments and branches.
Almost always dedicated project teams, with expertise drawn from multiple relevant sectors.
Associate Dean of Libraries, Director of Scholarly Communications, Library Digital Services personnel
Every manager is encouraged to include innovative opportunities in annual goals of staff.
In the case of MetriDoc, IT, subject experts, and business analysts collaborate.