SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 29
UVa Library is spearheading the Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) http://aptrust.org/. The Academic Preservation
Trust (APTrust) consortium is committed to the creation and management of a preservation repository that will
aggregate academic and research content from many institutions.
We have established technology-enabled group collaboration spaces around the library.
We have recently opened the Lewis &Ruth Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship. This new centre supports the digital
scholarship in its many forms (textual analysis, etc.)
We used GIS software to help develop a digital map of all the trees on campus. The map provides information not only
on location and species but also maintenance. Trees are a campus value and faculty and staff with over 20 years service
at retirement get to choose a tree to bear a plaque in their honor.
5. Where did the idea for this innovation originate? Check all that apply. N=44
Library administration 24 55%
Department/unit head 23 52%
Frontline staff 15 34%
From a workshop or conference 7 16%
From another library 6 14%
From another industry 5 11%
Other source, please briefly describe 20 46%
Builds on ideas the public had been suggesting for participation and crowdsourcing.
Collaboration with the vice president and chief information officer
Collaborative work between two units (our Digital Research and Curation Center and our Entrepreneurial Library
Program) led to service creation.
Developed in collaboration with MITH directors.
Frontline instruction librarians and information science professors teaching and studying library instruction.
Other campus contacts
Pedagogical trend moving towards greater group collaboration and environments to support group work.
Scholarly Communications Librarian
Small working group of administration members and department heads who work with original, curated digital
The assistant director for information technology wrote a proposal, which the director of libraries took to the vice
provost. The vice provost provided special money from the “Quality Initiatives Fund” to pay for one room. The initial
investigations were carried out by a committee chaired by the head of reference. Ownership later transferred to a
librarian coordinator.
The concept evolved from collaborative discussions among the AUL for Public Services, Public Services department
heads, and all of the Division’s staff.
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