SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 151
Policies for Award Approval
Policies for Award Approval
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Library » Committees » Research and Publications Committee » Policies
for Award Approval
Policies for Award Approval
These policies will be used by the Research &Publications Committee
when considering your application for research support.
Grant Periods and Award Money
Awards must be used within one year. If the entire grant is not used
within a year the unused funds will revert to the RPC unless an extension
request is received by the Chair before the end of the original grant
period. Awards can not be made retroactively, for work already
accomplished, or for expenses already incurred.
Funding Priorities
Awards are made on the basis of anticipated scholarly contribution of the
proposed project. First preference is given to tenure-track permanent
full-time faculty, followed by tenured faculty. Emeritus, visiting faculty,
and post-doctral fellows are eligible to compete for funding in the spring
semester, if funds permit. Academic professional and staff are not
eligible for RPC grants.
Use Of Human Subjects
A proposal for research that involves human subjects must be reviewed
by the UIUC Institutional Review Board (IRB). Such projects include
research that uses surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, interviews, etc.
While most projects will be exempt from a full review by the IRB, all
projects involving human subjects will need to be sent to the IRB for that
determination. Please refer to the IRB website for more information
such as deadlines, special considerations for survey research, and for the
IRB submission form. Be sure to allow enough time for this mandatory
Catergories Typically Funded by RPC
RPC supports travel costs directly related to research and publication.
In determining the amount of awards for domestic and foreign travel,
RPC attempts to follow the guidelines set forth in the Scholars' Travel
Fund Policies. RPC also funds travel to destinations less than 200
Photocopy cards for research purposes are available to faculty in 300-
and 500-copy amounts from the RPC Chair. Requests for cards can be
made by sending a simple email to the RPC Chair, with a very brief
description or title of your research. Only one card will be issued at a
time but faculty may request up to $75 worth of cards /year. Requests
for more than 500 copies at a time, or for funds to photocopy at other
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